Saturday, March 1, 2008

More about the same class

Remember the gal that I made so much fun of in class in the last BLURG?

Well, this particular gal has her particular husband next to her in class. Well, never before has the phrase “birds of feather flock together..”
This dude is your stereotypical nerd. He’s got that chubby computer guy thing going on.

-Pants are pulled up past the bellybutton.
-We’ve also caught him snorting while he laughs a few times.
-He’s been guilty of jumping up to help with the technology in the classroom when it goes crazy.

Our teacher had a few hassles with getting some things turned on, switched over, etc.
Well then this Poindexter leaps out of his seat and quickly waddles to the front “Lets see… This is interesting phenomenon I’ve seen… This s how you do it…”. And before you know it, he’s shoved the professor out of the way, and he’s bent half over with eyes squinted looking intently at every blinking thing in the room assessing things. Then he whips 3 flash drives out of his fanny pack ready to back up some data and save the day.
You know these dudes, they start sweating immediately at I love to watch him fumble about looking more like a dork than really helping.
Well, the professor put us in groups at the end of class just now and we unknowingly were segregated into all boy and girl groups. All we did was discuss some mini articles.
After we finished the professor commented that she did not know that she put us in girl and boy groups.
Well the husband of Mrs. “Talk..uh….” blurts out:

“Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina!... (voiced in a little kid manner)”

…Obvious reference to the old movie Kindergarten Cop.

Well, I had an immediate picture in my mind of Steve Carrel playing the idiot boss from The Office. You know; the poor stupid guy who just sticks his foot way too far in his mouth all the time.
I invite you all to visit with me next week this class, and see what I’m talking about.
I’m not making this up. I’m really not.

My borrowed tuition money is being put to some good use I’d say here.

Peace out everyone


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